How terrible a blogger am I? It has been some time since my last post. It isn't that I have not been "crafty", but I did forget to take photos of several adorable cards I made and sent out over the last couple of months. I do have a few projects that I made but never since those photos are sitting here loaded in the computer, I'll finally share them!
This was the gift card I made for my daughter in law, Alyssa for Christmas. She is a "newer" Expression owner and I got her a Gyspy for Christmas as well as a cartridge! The Cricut has googly eyes as well as a Santa hat. I made this by welding several shapes together on my Gyspy...this was before the Circut Circle Cartridge came out that has the various Cricut heads on it. I also embossed the background of the card with "Circut Circle Heads" embossing folder.
Click on the photo to enlarge it so perhaps see the detail a bit better.
Here is my card for my precious granddaughter, Lainey. She was 9 1/2 months at Christmas and had the nickname "LaineyBug" since before she was born. I used DoodleCharms cartridge for the ladybug and added in a Santa hat!
My sweet little 2 1/2 year old granddaughter Aubrey loves to dance!
She started taking dance classes this fall and loves it and is doing well!
OF COURSE a ballerina card would be most appropriate for her!
I added a little ribbon tied in a bow to the ballerina's skirt!
For my grandson, Cooper,who was 5 1/2 at Christmas and started kindergarden this school year, I decided to make a cute robot for him!
Alyssa is working on his 5th year album and the theme is robots, so I thought this was fitting. This robot had a lot of layers and I lifted him from the page with pop dots for some dimension.
Last of all, my son, Chris, has been a video game lover for years. Since his gift was a video
game for one of his systems.... I thought it appropriate to make and send a controller card!
Alyssa sent a cute photo of Chris holding the card, pretending to "play" with the game controller!
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